National Pollution Control Day 2022

On December 2, the world observes World Pollution Prevention Day. With movements like 'Fridays for Future' leading the way, the world doesn't need many reminders about the consequences of climate change. It is important to note, however, that each individual plays a significant role in the fight against pollution. A clean environment cannot be achieved through the efforts of a few. Small acts such as planting a sapling, properly disposing of garbage, recycling plastic items, and so on are the first steps toward making our planet a more sustainable place to live. So get started right away! National Pollution Control Day 2022 HISTORY This day was established to raise awareness about environmental pollution and its negative effects on our health and the environment. Plastic pollution is the most dangerous type of pollution that has taken the world by storm. Plastic pollution will soon become a scourge to our existence, destroying soil quality and killing marine life. Source:...